Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council (SDEIC)

The SDEIC is made up of students from diverse backgrounds committed to assisting in the development of a safe, supportive, welcoming, and inclusive community that upholds and celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion at SUNY Oneonta.

The SDEIC’s charges are:

  • Advise the President, Chief Diversity Officer, and other Cabinet members on DEI related issues on the campus and make recommendations.
  • Participate in monthly meetings, and other scheduled meetings as the need may be, with the President and the CDO.
  • Represent students’ voices on matters regarding DEI through formal and informal gathering of information and presenting to the President and the CDO.
  • Assist in the planning, organizing and facilitation of campus-wide forums and or programs on DEI-related issues, as needed.
  • Uphold SUNY Oneonta's DEI values at all times

Council Members

Maya Bissainthe

Maya Bissainthe

I want to be a part of the council because this council is what I have been studying and trying to achieve for years. I have always been taught to care and stand for others no matter who the person may be and that is something I continue to do now. I have educated myself for years on different cultures, genders, sexuality, and etc. to not only understand myself but understand others as well. I want to create a safe and accepting community for everyone not just students but faculty as well, through this council I am hoping to achieve that and be the voice for others who could not have a voice. I know that I won’t just make changes through the council but grow as well.

Aleyah Cabral

I want to be part of the Council because it is everything I stand for and hold to upmost value. Coming from an immensely diverse background and a middle-class household, inclusion is something I try to advocate for in any way I can, and I strive to understand those that come from different, or similar, backgrounds as me. I was given privileges that most don't have the chance to experience so I have the vision of helping to develop a community where everyone feels safe to be themselves and always have equal opportunity, and have their needs met by different resources catered to their specific circumstances.

Bria Elie

Bria Elie

I’m on girl talk and AOP soul, both of which help to uplift diverse voices on campus of which are not usually heard. For example, for women’s history month we had professor Chavez come and talk about her experience as a Hispanic professor on campus. I want to be on this council to amplify student's voices on more of a campus wide scale. For now, AOP isn’t as known as we want it to be. So, my vision is that no one gets feels left behind. There have been so many causes on this campus that get brushed over. Or spaces that people aren’t actually made to feel safe. I’ve been informed about spaces that help but no one really knows about them. It would be my honor to help students on this campus know that they are not alone.

Rasheed Elmouchtari

Rasheed Elmouchtari

I want to represent and give a voice to those who do not have the opportunity to express their frustrations and feelings. Making sure that our campus promotes not only diversity but that people can feel comfortable expressing themselves is needed. I also hope to promote intersectionality as someone who is part of many different groups myself.

D’Andra Evans

D’Andra Evans

I wanted to become part of the Council because I wanted to have more of an active role on campus to advocate for change and inclusivity.

Anise Flores

Coming soon!

Brenda Lavandier

Purpose: I want to be on this committee to ensure any issues regarding diversity and inclusion are known and solved. I want all the communities on campus to have a voice and know that they have our support.

Liana Millan

Coming soon!

Tattyana Perkins

Tattyana Perkins

Why you want to be a part on the Council and your vision: I want to be a part of the council so that I can one day say that I helped SUNY Oneonta become a more Inclusive campus.

Adrian Politano

Adrian Politano

Purpose: I want to be on this committee to ensure any issues regarding diversity and inclusion are known and solved. I want all the communities on campus to have a voice and know that they have our support.

Matthew Rodriguez Jenkins

Matthew Rodriguez Jenkins

Why I want to be a part of this council and my vision: I believe that students should have a voice on this campus, especially concerning issues of Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Too often have decisions been made that impact the lives of students without them having a voice in those matters. As a student of color, I recognize the need for diversity initiatives on this campus, not just supported and began by faculty members, but also members of the student body. I want to be a part of this council because of this notion of building a safer more inclusive space for students of color, LGBTQIA+ students, and students with disabilities. Whether this is through advocating for my fellow students or putting together programs and events to talk about difficult topics or even destress, this council has the power to make a real difference in the Oneonta Community. My vision is that of an organization that truly represents student's interests and one which can advise and respond to the needs of marginalized students who may feel as though their voices have been unheard or otherwise ignored in years past.

Hannah Sprosta

Hannah Sprosta

Reason for Joining the Council: I have always been an advocate for racial justice and have fought for social justice on college campuses. This can be seen in my work with the student diversity leadership conference, my presentation on how SUNY's can better support students who've experienced bias, and my work as an RA where I have advocated for and supported students who have experienced bias. This type of council is long overdue, and I want to be part of this monumental step forward not only so I can continue my work, but help the college continue theirs. It is important for students, especially students of influence, to show that there are resources. I foresee this council supporting victims of bias, holding campus-wide discussions, supporting cultural events, and helping faculty improve the relationships they have with students.

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