Student Resources
Undergraduate Academic Catalog
The official academic catalog contains updated information on degree requirements and course descriptions.
Open/closed courses
Search for courses offered during the current or past semesters, and see if there are open seats.
Transfer Course Equivalency Search
Search to see how courses you took at another institution would transfer to SUNY Oneonta.
- Internships
- Grants and Fellowships The Grants Development Office has a variety of grants available for students to pursue research and creative activities
- Exhibitions The Project Space Gallery is available to art students for solo or group exhibitions.
The Art Department has articulation agreements with two major European art institutions:
- The Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, Holland
- The American College of Athens, DEREE, in Athens, Greece
- The articulation agreement makes it easier for students to study abroad. It ensures transferability of classes and helps students study abroad by paying tuition at their home campus. More information and for more study abroad opportunities, visit the Office of Global Education.
- Student Travel for Excellence Program (STEP) SUNY Oneonta provides support for students to travel to academic and co-curricular conferences, programs, and activities.
- SUNY Oneonta Free and Discounted Software (including Microsoft and Adobe)
- SUNY Oneonta Apple Educational Discounts
- Handshake SUNY Oneonta Career Planning and Networking
- College Arts Association: Job Listings
- New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)
- NYFA: Opportunities (jobs, exhibitions, internships, residencies, etc.)
- SIGGRAPH Resources for Computer Graphics
- AIGA For Graphic Designers
- CaFè Exhibition Announcements
- Magical Secrets Printmaking community
Faculty Resources
Academic calendar
SUNY Oneonta News & Events
A list of resources for the faculty and staff:
Forms and Help
- Submit your time sheet
- myOneonta portal This is the SUNY Oneonta portal with many useful resources and links
- Computer Help (For classroom emergency call x4567 and click 4)
- Facilities Work Request (For issues with your classroom, fill out a work request)
- Printshop Request (Get the account number from the art office)
- Registrar's Office Forms (New Course Proposals, Independent Study, and many more)
- Bookstore faculty textbook requests
- SUNY Oneonta Policies
Classroom Resources
Log in with your SUNY Oneonta username and password if prompted (same as your email)
- Web Services See your teaching assignments, print class rosters, enter mid-term and final grades
- Brightspace This is your university portal, and an on-line classroom resource.
- Milne Library
- Undergraduate Academic Catalog
- Open/closed courses Check your class enrollment
- SUNY Oneonta free and discounted software (Adobe, Microsoft, etc.)
- Apple Store (Discounts for SUNY Oneonta)
Free Online Resources
Policies and Papers
Professional Development
Join the Art Department Facebook Community
Become part of the Art Department online community by joining our Facebook group!
It is an excellent way to be in touch with current students and alumni, to network, to share resources, and to take advantage of posted exhibition, job, and internship opportunities.
Joining the group does NOT make your profile public or open to other group members.