About the CSRC


We Have Moved!

We are now part of the Experiential Learning Center (ELC) located in Hunt Union, room 127. Other offices located in the ELC are:

SUNY Oneonta is also directed to "strengthen the sense of community on campus" (Goal 6). The Center, by providing a wide variety of opportunities for SUNY Oneonta students, faculty and staff to work together on projects such as the annual Exploration event, Annual Conference on Volunteerism, and Into the Streets, helps to support the development of a stronger sense of community on the campus.

Additionally, SUNY Oneonta is directed to "strengthen the quality of our academic programs in order to improve the quality of educational experience offered to our students" (Goal 1). Through service-learning, faculty are helping students make the connection between classroom learning and the world of work in ways that enhance what students gain from the in-class experience. A growing number of faculty are incorporating service-learning as a key component to their course curricula. Service-learning is another program that complements the mission of the Center and SUNY Oneonta. This program develops and enhances partnerships for interested faculty and collaborating agencies and schools to identify community needs and develop service-learning projects.

SUNY Oneonta is inspiring students to make a difference through voluntary community service. The Center for Social Responsibility and Community helps strengthen the relationships between academic study, volunteer service, and community building.

Community Service Benefits

For Students

  • Learn about broader community issues
  • Interact with diverse cultures and lifestyles
  • Gain valuable career experience
  • Explore values and ethical issues
  • Increase relevance for academic skills
  • Have fun!

For Faculty

  • Positive relationships with community members
  • Enrichments and applications for curriculum
  • Students more engaged in learning
  • Support SUNY Oneonta's mission of citizenship and public service

For Agencies

  • Access to SUNY Oneonta resources
  • Positive relationships with SUNY Oneonta staff, faculty and students
  • Access to significant pool of volunteers

The Center develops and coordinates volunteer and service-learning opportunities for students in local, regional, national and international settings. The Center actively collaborates with and supports faculty in developing service-learning curricula.

The inaugural program of the Center is the student-led and student-run office, which provides leadership and operational coordination and support for a wide variety of volunteer and service-learning experiences. Students in the Center participate on the Faculty Advisory Council. The Center for Social Responsibility and Community student-run office for recruitment and training is located at Hunt Union, room 127.

Carnegie Foundation Elective Community Engagement Classification

The President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll

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