Overview of Essential Forms for Chairs

Be aware that there are continually personnel changes in all of these offices: your best bet is to check the online Directory, and call the administrative assistant for the office or department to check who you should email things to.

List of forms, organized according to where they get sent after the chair signs:

  • Contact the Alumni Association office directly if you are working with them to fund public events, awards, or activities in your department; they will get you the forms you need to request checks etc.
  • Concern for Student Form (Chairs don't need to sign these but faculty should cc chairs or send the chair a heads-up email when the situation is troubling. This form is on the "Behavioral Concern" link in the Forms column of the Office of Community Standards webpage.) This is also the form that faculty use for students who stop attending class and don't respond to contact attempts.
  • Instructor Report of Academic Dishonesty (Chairs don't need to sign these but faculty should cc chairs on these so the chair knows to expect the almost inevitable complaints. This form is on the "Academic Integrity" link in the Forms column on the Office of Community Standards webpage.)
  • Course Changes and New Course proposals (Faculty and/or Dept chairs initiate these in Curriculog, which can be found in the left-hand menu of your Blackboard home page. Each different thing you can do on Curriculog has the signature workflow built in. No more paper forms or lost emails! But early drafts of proposals should be emailed between faculty and chair before submission on Curriculog))
  • Individual Course Enrollment Form (This is a fillable pdf in the Online Forms section of the Registrar's website. Student and Instructor sign first *make sure instructor's name is printed too*, then the chair and then it goes to the Dean. Why this requires the Dean's signature but an Independent Study does not, is a mystery to us all.)
  • Internship Application (This is now done through the Handshake platform in the Career Development Office. Make sure you specify who the coordinator/supervisor is and spell out the details of what the intern will be doing to earn their credits. Make sure the student meets all of the criteria and restrictions before approving as chair.)
  • Teaching Assistantship Application (This is a fillable pdf in the Online Forms section of the Registrar's website. Student and Instructor sign first *make sure instructor's name is printed too*, then the chair and then it goes to the Dean. Make sure there is a syllabus attached with details of what the TA will be doing to earn their credits. Make sure the student meets all of the criteria and restrictions before sending the form up to the Dean.)
  • Sabbatical or Other Leave Request ​​​​​​
  • Staffing & Compensation Request Form *Must be submitted with the APP form* (This is how you start the process to search for a new faculty member or get extra service pay for a faculty member. There is a link to these forms and more information on the landing page of the Human Resources webpage.)
  • Student Employment Appointment Form (This is a fillable pdf on the Forms section of the Human Resources / Employee Services webpage. Student employment opportunities are advertised on the Handshake platform.)
  • Travel Request Application TRA form (Once work-related / faculty development travel is allowed again, make sure to fill this out *at least 2 weeks before the travel*. Must specify how classes will be covered or why that won't be necessary. This is a fillable pdf on the Travel Manual tab of the Procurement & Travel website; the other forms and policies and instructions are there too.)
  • Requisition for Supplies - commonly ordered office supplies like printer paper, chalk, pens etc. (There is a pdf order form from the campus supply room on the Mail, Receiving and Supply tab of the Division of Finance & Administration webpage; there is also a link for online ordering.)
  • Certificate of Records Destruction (Form can be found in the Records Retention page on the Internal Control Program tab in the Finance & Administration web page. It's important not to let old records and documents pile up in the office, but shredding of them needs to be in accordance with the Records Retention policy.)
  • Their website has tabs with info for the Mailroom, Mail Services and Central Receiving, and also for the Campus Supply Room.

Contact the College Foundation office directly if you are working with them to fund any of your department activities, they will provide the forms you need to request checks, etc.

Print Shop Orders (Chair doesn't need to sign these, but should make faculty ask first before they order expensive things like posters or color copies. Departments should have a budget for this and Deans don't have to sign off on every copy request, but chairs should keep close tabs on expenses and rein in faculty who do too much. The Print Shop Storefront link is under the Faculty/Staff tab in the Campus Resources section of Blackboard.)

  • Standard Voucher - this is how guest speakers, faculty who paid for educational materials, etc. get reimbursed for their *prior approved* expenses (This is a fillable pdf on the Forms and Other Resources tab of the Procurement & Travel website)
  • Purchase Requisition with Justification (This is a fillable pdf on the Procurement & Travel website's landing page.)
  • Travel Voucher (This is the form that you submit after the trip to get reimbursed. Must have original receipts attached. This is a fillable pdf on the Travel Manual tab of the Procurement & Travel website; the other forms and policies and instructions for travel are there too.)
  • Course Challenge Record (technically chairs don't have to sign these, but Chairs are supposed to be the ones who approve whether students can challenge a course. These forms are not digitized yet; the process for now is to send an email to registrar@oneonta.edu with all the information that was on the paper form.)
  • Grade Change Form - does not need chair's signature if it was an Incomplete or Pending grade; all other change requests need a justification and the chair gets prompted to go in and approve/deny (this is now an online process done through Web Services; if for some reason the instructor cannot initiate this process the chair can email the relevant information to the Registrar's office.)
  • Honors Certificates (These are sent to department chairs to sign after each semester.)
  • Independent Study Form Undergraduate / Independent Study Form Graduate) (These are fillable pdfs in the Online Forms section of the Registrar's website. Make sure the student signs before the chair; be sure to send a full syllabus along with the form. If the student is a double major, including and especially Education, be sure to have that chair also sign; the second chair will then send to the Registrar.)
  • Minor Completion Form (These are pdfs that the Registrar sends at the end of the semester, one for each graduating student who has declared completion of the minor; consult with Academic Advisement or an experienced chair on how to complete these forms, they're a little complicated.)

Useful Links:

  • Directory Search is available on the Blackboard home page as well as on the Offices & Departments tab of the Campus Resources section of Blackboard.
  • SUNY Employee Portal (link located in the menu along the left-hand side of your Blackboard home page)
    • To approve Administrative Assistant biweekly timesheets and faculty monthly attendance forms: once you're in the Portal, click on the Human Resource Systems link in the top left corner, then the Time & Attendance link/icon, then the button for Time & Attendance under your role at SUNY Oneonta, then click on the Work Roster link up towards the top of the screen a bit to the right of center.
    • You should get an email from the Time & Attendance system whenever there's something that you need to attend to; make sure you train your email account to not send those reminders to your spam folder.
    • To manage your department budget and other accounts: once you're in the Portal, click on the Reports icon in the blue field at the top right corner, then the Dashboards button for SUNY Business Intelligence Initiative, then click on the Account Summary link and find your department account number in the menus.
  • Curriculog (link located in the menu along the left-hand side of your Blackboard home page): you need to click the Login link in the top right-hand corner in order to get access to the processes for creating proposals; this is the platform you'll use for changing existing courses, proposing new courses *including new iterations of your Special Topics courses*, and revising or discontinuing major or minor programs.
  • Taskstream (link located in the menu along the left-hand side of your Blackboard home page): this is the platform now used for departmental annual reports, yearly Continual Improvement (program assessment) reports, and 7-year Program Reviews. Contact Joshua Nelson, Assessment Specialist, for more information.
  • Workflow (link will be in Blackboard): used for uploading and reviewing Renewal, Tenure and Promotion materials
  • Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures, link in Blackboard): used for FARs
  • The Provost's Administrative Assistant circulates an Administrative Calendar each year with the deadlines for scheduling, RTP reviews, sabbatical requests, etc.
  • Open/Closed Courses (link located in Quick Links menu of the Faculty/Staff tab of the Campus Resources section of Blackboard): you can look up schedules and enrollments for previous years in here, without the hassle prying the information out of Argos.
  • Bias Acts Response Team: the link to their page is on the left-hand menu of the Office of Equity and Inclusion webpage, and the Response Team has a reporting form on their page.
  • Violence Response Site: For confidentially reporting and referral to resources regarding sexual assault.
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