Faculty Resources

View all upcoming events on campus for faculty

Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure
This site represents a compilation of the information needed by faculty at SUNY Oneonta who are anticipating applying for renewal, tenure or promotion. The site includes a calendar of relevant deadlines; the SUNY Board of Trustees and SUNY Oneonta renewal, tenure and promotion policies; a glossary of relevant terms and a description of the renewal, promotion and tenure processes at SUNY Oneonta.

Related Session Recordings:

This site has useful information for adjunct promotion and evaluation.

Faculty Success - Formerly Digital Measures

Faculty Success is a recently implemented system, and your feedback is appreciated as we seek to enhance it. We are currently using it for the Faculty Activities Reports. Please contact Diana Mosemen (Diana.Moseman@oneonta.edu) of the TLTC with questions.

Teaching Resources

Inclusive Pedagogy Resources:

The UDL Guidelines

Equity Minded Syllabus

Transparent Assignment Template

Creating A Welcoming Syllabus Powerpoint

​​Building Community & Student Well-being:

Menu of Wellness Activities

Top 10 Classroom Techniques for Building Community

Guidebook on Student Well-being

Two-Minute Teaching Tips - University of Texas at Austin

University of Texas Well-being Website Overview Presentation

Trauma Informed Pedagogy:

Peer Observation Guidelines for Reviewing Online Courses

These Guidelines were created by the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center and the Faculty Center to support Peer-to-Peer review processes.

Eberly Center (Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation) Solving a Teaching Problem

This site provides practical strategies to address teaching problems across the disciplines. These strategies are firmly grounded in educational research and learning principles.

Faculty/Staff Mental Health Recorded Workshop

Promoting Effective Course Reading - Brown University

Applied Learning

SUNY Approved Applied Learning Criteria


Burnout Resilience Workshop Recording - Workshop Handout

Milne Library Services

The Milne Library continues to be committed to providing excellent online services. Many library collections and resources are available online and Library staff are available online to help you. Our enhanced services include:

Ask Us! Library Help Desk and chat service Live online help from 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM, Monday - Friday, Noon - 9:00 PM Saturday - Sunday, plus an every-growing Library Help Desk Knowledgebase

Digitization Services for converting print reserves to electronic course reserves

Remote Check Out of library materials for campus pick up

Online Student Research Guide a comprehensive library research guides for students, including resources, instructions, and video demonstrations; easy to link in Blackboard

The Library Unbound: Library News and Updates

Library Research & Course Guides, we will create customized course guides for faculty

Streaming Video Collections including JoVE Science Education Library; easy to link in Blackboard

See the Library Continuity page for all the above links and more


Oneonta Chapter 2190

Additional Resources

Registrar's Office

Academic Advisement

Teaching in a Digital World

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center (TLTC) - The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center is a place where faculty can find the conversation about the ever-changing use of technology in teaching and learning

Teaching Online Website - This publicly available website has over 200 posts as resources for the design, development, and delivery of online courses. The articles, tutorials, and even a podcast are created and curated by the ASU instructional and learning design community

Americans with Disabilities Act - basic background information on ADA and regulations

Universal Design for Learning - basic background information on UDL

ADA checklist for Blackboard Content - prepared by TLTC, this document reviews content from the Best Practices class on accessibility in Blackboard

Ally - A link to a video that explains this tool available in Blackboard to help make documents more accessible

Adobe Acrobat Pro PDFs - information for making PDFs Accessible in Adobe Acrobat Pro

ADA (captioning video and readable text documents) - This excellent resource provides tutorials with video on how to craft accessible course materials. Developed by the University of Wisconsin

20 Best Practices and Expectations in Online Teaching - Tips from Canvas

Attendance in Online Classes - This website contains a list of methods for recording attendance in an online course

The resources below were culled from the web by former Faculty Center Graduate Assistant Cassie Carl. Cassie is enrolled in one of our online programs and has noted under each resource the value she finds in it as an online student.

15 Rules of Netiquette for Online Discussion Boards - It’s very basic, but I have also been on enough discussion boards where folks have no idea what they’re doing that it might be necessary.

Student Discussion Board Tweet - This might be a little saucy for some profs, but I also fully support putting people on blast for their discussion board nonsense.

Excelsior Online Writing Lab - Discussion Board Content - This is a mildly interactive resource that breaks down a few example comments and explains what’s good/bad about them.


Annacleta Chiweshe stands between a rack of dresses and a dress form
When the lights are turned down, music is turned up and models hit the catwalk for the Student Fashion Society’s Spring Fashion Show at SUNY Oneonta each year, Associate Professor of Fashion and Textiles Annacleta Chiweshe is the one cheering the loudest. “It gives me a lot of satisfaction when I see students learning the skills I teach them and producing something unique,” she said.
Snapper Petta
Every day that doesn’t begin with ‘S,’ Snapper Petta and his assistant, Juneau, pack up their things and make their way at about 8:30 a.m. to 459 Hulbert Hall, home of SUNY Oneonta’s Outdoor Adventure Office. On Friday, Jan. 17, they will do this for the last time, as Snapper is retiring after 40 years with SUNY Oneonta.
Sean Robinson
Sean Robinson’s favorite part of his job is being able to witness growth – growth of bryophytes and the many other kinds of plants he studies, and the growth of his students.
Tracy Allen
The thing you can’t miss about Tracy Allen is his passion--for traveling, mentoring, adventure, and the natural world.
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