Programs and Services


The Faculty Center will hold a two day New Faculty Orientation to SUNY Oneonta each August. This will be followed by programming throughout the academic year designed for new faculty.

Professional Learning Communities

The Faculty Center will select an annual text as a faculty read. This text will connect to the established theme for the year. Faculty that wish to receive a free copy of the text can join a Professional Learning Community (PLC) that will meet four times a semester to discuss the text and the impact on instruction and learning. Sign up for PLC groups will occur just prior to the start of the semester. PLC groups meet in the Faculty Center Lounge in Fitzelle 159


The Faculty Center holds workshops throughout the year. Each year will kick off with the annual Institute. This Institute sets the theme for the year, introduces the faculty text, includes an invited keynote and follow up small workshop sessions. Throughout the academic year, additional workshops are offered that include a strand just for new faculty. Other topics include preparation of contract renewal materials, cosponsored digital events with TLTC, and topics connected to excellence in teaching and learning. The Faculty Center also supports the Leatherstocking Writing Project, an onsite National Writing Project initiative with an annual summer institute.

Consultation and Class Visits

Need help with a particular issue or want to test out some strategies to enhance your instruction? The director is available for private and confidential consultations. We can also schedule class visits to learn more about your instruction and to help you develop a new approach. Email for an appointment.

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