
Yards for Yardley is Thursday April 18, 2019 9am to 5pm at Red Dragon Field

About One Love and Yards for Yeardley

One Love was founded in 2010 in memory of Yeardley Love. Yeardley was a senior at the Univeristy of Virginia when she was beaten to death by her ex-boyfriend.

In 2012, Yeardley’s mother Sharon Love decided to bring awareness to Relationship Violence the same way MADD brought attention to drinking and driving. She knew that by educating everyone to recognize the signs of unhealthy relationships and empowering bystanders to take action real change could take place.

The One Love foundation was established to work across the country to raise awareness of abuse and how to prevent it.

The #Yards4Yeardley event empowers communities to walk, run and ride to raise awareness for One Love and the movement to end abuse.

Learn more about the organization at

Yards of Yeardley at SUNY Oneonta

This year the SUNYAC (Athletic Conference) challenged all of its member schools to host a Yards for Yeardley event with a goal of 55 millions yards walked (or run, danced, hopped, skipped, etc) to raise awareness about the issue of relationship violence.

We hope that as many members of the SUNY Oneonta community as possible will join us at Red Dragon Field between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

We are kicking off a few days early and encouraging members of the campus community to dedicate their walking to our collective total of 10 million yards.

For faculty, staff and off-campus students:

You can choose to enter the places you walk to and from and let us do the math, or just simply enter the information from your fitness tracker.

We also hope that you will take a moment to read about the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship which are also on the tracking form.

Look for the OneLove boxes in all the buildings on campus. Drop your form off to any box by the end of the day on Monday April 16 to contribute your yards.

If you live in a residence hall on campus:

You can request a tracking form from Rebecca Harrington (see instructions above) or you can simply use the tickets available at the hall cage in your building. Simply grab a ticket on your way out the door and drop off at the box at your destination location. Take a moment to read the information on the back of the ticket on your way there.

OneLove/Yards for Yeardley Drop-Off Boxes

Look for the drop off boxes beginning Monday, April 8.

Join Team OneLove

Get trained to become an Escalation Facilitator and lead workshops to end domestic violence at:

To become a facilitator at SUNY Oneonta, to request an Escalation workshop on the SUNY Oneonta campus or to get involved with planning next year’s event email Rebecca Harrington, Health Educator or call 607.436.3540.

Relationship Violence Affects Us All

94% of adults in the US will never perpetrate against their partner, yet 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will experience relationship violence in their lifetime.*

Nearly 50% of these woman and nearly 40% of these men experience relationship violence for the first time between the ages of 18 and 24.*

*National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey-2010 Report. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

10 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Intensity Over the top behavior that feels like too much too soon. Lying to cover up insecurity. Obsessive behavior.

Jealousy Irrational, angry behavior when you speak with someone they perceive as a threat. Persistently accusing you of flirtatious or inappropriate behavior.

Control Telling you what to wear, who to hang out with, when to speak or what to think.

Isolation Insisting you only spend time with them. Making you dependent on them for money, love or acceptance.

Sabotage Making you miss school, work or something important to you by starting a fight, pretending to be sick, breaking up with you, or hiding your phone or keys.

Criticism Calling you names. Brainwashing you to feel worthless.

Blame Making you feel guilty. Making you feel like everything is your fault.

Anger Overreacting to small issues. Losing control. Violent outbursts. Making you feel afraid.

Alcohol Becoming overly-emotional after drinking. Sobbing, threatening to harm oneself, becoming violent or angry.

Not remembering what happened while drunk. Using ‘ I was drunk’ as an excuse for poor behavior.

Group Conquest Acting differently when in a group than when alone. Treating partners as conquests. Sexual one-upmanship.


Office of Health Education
#125 Counseling, Health & Wellness Center
Phone: (607) 436-3540

Rebecca Harrington
Health Educator

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