
Application for Child Care

All members of SUNY Oneonta and the greater Oneonta community are welcome to apply for child care at the Bugbee Children's Center. Given the nature of caring for children of varying ages (i.e. the strict child to staff ratios we must adhere to), we often are operating from a wait list ESPECIALLY for children 18 months and younger. If you are pregnant and know you will be interested in the care our facility offers at 8 weeks, we recommend sending us an application early in your pregnancy. In order to be placed on our waiting list, complete the Enrollment Application and Pay the $25 application fee and you will be contacted shorty.

Waiting List / Enrollment Priorities

Once your application is received at the Center your child(ren) will be put on our waiting list based on enrollment priorities and our Assistant Director will contact you to let you know the approximate wait time, if any.

  1. Siblings and Center Staff
  2. SUNY Oneonta Students, SUNY Students, SUNY Oneonta Faculty/Staff and Employees from any NYS Agency
  3. Community Residents (Full time care needs take priority over part time needs.)

Enrollment Schedules

Bugbee Children’s Center is open Monday – Friday from 7:00am-5:00pm year- round with the exception of specific holidays (please see Calendar for details).

Enrollment options are full week (Monday – Friday) or full days (MWF or TTh) with a scheduled 9 hour block per day.


Tuition fees include formula and baby food, all meals, activities and materials.

Fee Schedule

Full Time

(Monday - Friday)

Part Time Daily

(M/W/F or T/Th)


Infant (8 weeks - 18 months)




Toddlers (18 months - 3 years old)




Preschool (3, 4 and 5 years old)




School Age (September - June) $55 $55 $37

Income Verification Required.

Start Date Confirmed

Once you receive a start date you will be required to complete a packet of paperwork BEFORE your child(ren) may begin. You can make arrangements to pick this up at the Center or the packet can be mailed to you.

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