Faculty Grant Awards

2022/23 Awards

Ashley Allen (Geography & Environmental Sciences)
Exploring Environmental Marginalization, Geological Hazards, and Infrastructure Maintenance in Baton Rouge, LA ($1,500)

Tracy Betsinger (Anthropology)
Life in 18th-19th Century Halifax, Nova Scotia ($2,000)

Antoine Blanc (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Expending on the First Total Synthesis of Melicopteline C ($1,500)

Antoine Blanc (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Synthesis of Melicopteline E ($1,000)

Katherine Griffes (Sport & Exercise Sciences)
Needs Assessment for a Division 3 Leadership Development Training Program: Evaluation and Recommendations for Curriculum Design ($1,913)

Mette Harder (History)
Arrest Them All: Anti-Parliamentarianism and Popular Violence against Legislators in the French Revolution ($1,000)

Shahin Kachwala (Women & Gender Studies)
Recasting Secularism and Gender: The Formation of Indian Nationhood from Nehru to Modi ($2,000)

Chris Keegan (Philosophy)
The Contested Identities of New Mexico ($2,000)

Adam Kent (Music)
Keys to Colombia ($1,000)

Carrie Mae Smith (Art)
A Chair of Her Own ($2,000)

Yoko Takagi (Psychology)
Pilot Study 2: Expansion of the previously funded pilot study (Pilot Study 1): Developing research methods and testing the feasibility of the study for a R15 (NIH Research Enhancement Award) grant proposal ($1,000)

Alissa Walls (Art)
Running the Entire Length: On Running, Breath, Art and Life ($1,000)

Kiyoko Yokota (Biology)
Evaluation of lake-deicing devices and their effects on ice formation, maintenance, and wintertime phytoplankton community ($1,000)

2021/22 Awards

Nathan Asman (Music)
A New, Customized [Eurorack] Modular Synthesizer ($1,000)

Wesley Bernard (Art)
To Have Been a Farmer ($2,000)

Jacqueline (Bruscella) Bishop (Communication and Media)
Diversity & Inclusion in Organizations: Communication and Organizational Changemaking ($1,125)

Antoine Blanc (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
First total synthesis of Melicopteline C and derivatives ($2,000)

Ashley Cooper (Art)
Swarm ($2,000)

Katherine Griffes (Sport & Exercise Sciences)
Leadership Development Needs Assessment for Division 3 Athletes ($200)

Justin Hartnett (Geography & Environmental Sustainability)
Assessing the Attitudes of Different Stakeholders of how to Operate during Winter Weather Events on a College Campus ($1,865)

Jeffrey Heilveil (Biology)
Two Decades of Change in Freshwater Systems: Revisiting One of the Largest-Scale Phylogeographic Studies for an Aquatic Macroinvertebrate in
Eastern North America

George Hovis (English)
"Black Light," a novel ($500)

Brian Lowe (Sociology)
Purposeful Simulations and Imagining a Positive and Plausible Near Future: Using Purposeful Simulations to Create Scenarios for a Positive Climate Future ($1,000)

Danny Noorlander (History)
The Lion and the Finch: The Musical Encounters of Europeans and Africans on the Gold Coast in the 17th Century ($2,000)

Florian Reyda (Biology)
Parasites of Coastal Fish of Galveston Bay, Texas: Chandler, 1935 Revisited ($2,000)

Yoko Takagi (Psychology)
A Pilot Study: Developing Research Methods and Testing the Feasibility of the Study for a R15 (NIH Research Enhancement Award) Grant Proposal ($2,000)

Trudy Thomas-Smith (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Spectrophotometric Analysis of Natural Waters in the Upper Susquehanna River Basin ($1,797)

Matthew Unangst (History)
Colonial Histories in Tanzania and the Two Germanies, 1959-1989 ($2,000)

Kiyoko Yokota (Biology)
Continued Tracking of Invasive Quagga Mussel Range Expansion in Otsego Lake, NY in Conjunction with the Effects of Forced Circulation Devices on Lake Water Temperature ($1,000)

2020/21 Awards

Howard Ashford (ALS)
Casting the Bucket and the Ballot: African American Voters in the Booker T. Washington Era 1890-1910 ($1,872)

Nathan Asman (Music)
Analog(Synth)+Digital(MIDI) - A New Wireless Hybrid Electronic Instrument for Musical Expression and Performance ($1,800)

Jody Aultman (Human Ecology)
Evening Wear ($700)

Ron Bishop (Chemistry)
Investigation of Oxidized Chemical Species Produced Under Chemical Conditions Used for Oil and Gas Extraction ($1,900)

Janet Wentworth Erickson (Art)
Cultivating Social Justice Leadership Through the Arts ($1,800)

Jeffrey Heilveil (Biology)
Genomic Sequencing of Nigronia serricornis, the Saw-combed Fishfly ($1,800)

Ho Hon Leung (Sociology) and Wesley Bernard (Art)
Migrant College Students' Adaptation: The Importance of Social Networking in a Highly Mobile Lifestyle ($1,800)

Julie Licata (Sociology) and Ana Laura Gonzalez (Music)
Recording of Two Full-length Albums of Flute/Percussion Music ($1,500)

Elio Santos (Psychology)
The Role of Visual Attention in Motor Control ($1,200)

Karen Stewart (Communication and Media)
Otome Video Game Production: Background Artwork ($1,875)

Yoko Takagi (Psychology)
Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Moral Thinking: Moral Relativism ($2,000)

Gavin Vitale (Music)
Dumpster Diver Synthesizer ($900)

Kiyoko Yokota (Biology)
Assessment of Establishment of Invasive Quagga Mussel Populations and Forced Circulation Devices on Lake Water Temperature in Otsego Lake, NY ($1,998)

James Zians (Psychology)
Community Approaches to Challenges in Mental Health for Non-mainstream Populations ($2,000)

2019/20 Awards

Tasneem Amatullah (Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education)
Muslim Women’s Leadership Stories: Untold Narratives in their Words ($1,200)

Evan Howard Ashford (ALS)
Casting the Bucket and the Ballot: African American Voting in the Booker T. Washington Era and the Rise of the White Primary 1890-1910 ($985)

Pearlie Rose Baluyut (Art)
Archival Research on the Philippines at the Venice Biennale ($2,500)

Wesley Bernard (Fine Arts)
Blue Ribbon ($2,800)

Antoine Blanc (Chemistry)
Chemical Preparation of a Bio-friendly Linker Allowing the Synthesis and Biological Activity Evaluation of a Conformationally Constrained (rigid) Peptide Derivatives ($2,500)

Cynthia Falk (Cooperstown Graduate Program)
Post- World War II Refugees ($1,286)

Andrea Fallon-Korb (Sport and Exercise Sciences)
Environmental and Situational Factors Influencing Athletes’ Mental Toughness ($1,600)

Jill Fielhaber (Biology)
Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms of Estrogen Disrupting Activities of Benzophenones (BPs) through a PI3K/mTORC1 Signaling Axis ($2,500)

Adam Kent (Music)
Chopin in Mallorca ($2,468)

Rhea Nowak (Art)
Experimenting and Creating for an Upcoming Exhibition ($1,644)

Kiara Pipino (Theatre)
Directing Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well for Prague Shakespeare ($2,000)

Bharath Ramkumar (Human Ecology)
Studying the Sourcing, Production and Distribution Processes in the Indigenous Textile Industries of Ri-Bhoi District in North Eastern Region of India (NERI) ($2,150)

Florian Reyda (Biology)
A Survey of Species of the Thorny-headed Worm Neoechinorhynchus from Fishes in the Southern USA ($2,500)

Sean Robinson (Biology)
Biogeographic Distribution and Taxonomy of the Sphagnum pylaesii Brid. and Sphagnum squarrosum Crome (Sphagnaceae) Species Complexes ($2,494)

Kristen Roosa (Biology)
An Investigation of the Effects of Benzophenone-3 on the Reproductive System of Juvenile Females ($2,500)

Yolanda Sharpe (Art)
Start from ZERO - A Meditation on the Zeroth Dimension ($2,500)

Kjersti VanSlyke-Briggs (Faculty Center)
Perceptions of Teen-on-Teen School Violence Portrayed in Young Adult Literature ($200)

William Walker (Cooperstown Graduate Program)
Folk State: A History of New York Folklorists and Storytellers during the Great Depression and World War II ($990)

Kiyoko Yokota (Biology)
Applied Modeling Exercises with Local Big Data Sets – Customizing Project EDDIE Modules for Otsego Lake, NY with Monitoring Buoy Data ($2,500)

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