
Options for Victims or Witnesses:

  1. Confidential Reporting:
    Individuals who are confidential resources will not report crimes to law enforcement or college officials without your permission, except for extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency.

    At SUNY Oneonta, this includes:

    Counselors at the Counseling Center
    Healthcare Providers at Student Health Services
    Individuals serving in a pastoral role.

    Off-Campus options to disclose sexual violence confidentially include:

    Violence Intervention Program of Opportunities for Otsego 24/7 Hotline 607-432-4855
    New York State Hotline for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence 1-800-942-6906
    Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network Hotline 1-800-656-4673 or online chat hotline

  2. Reporting with Privacy

    Even SUNY Oneonta offices and employees who cannot guarantee confidentiality will maintain your privacy to the greatest extent possible. The information you provide to a non-confidential resource will be relayed only as necessary to investigate and/or seek a resolution and to notify the Title IX Coordinator or designee, who is responsible under the law for tracking patterns and spotting systemic issues. SUNY Oneonta will limit the disclosure as much as possible, even if the Title IX Coordinator determines that the request for confidentiality cannot be honored. Read more options for confidentially disclosing sexual violence.

    You can disclose (tell about what happened to you and seek out support and accommodations) and/or report (request an investigation) at one of the following offices at SUNY Oneonta:

    The Office of Community Standards. The Code of Student Conduct contains a section on Sexual Misconduct on page 12. View the student code of conduct.

    The Affirmative Action Office, which will provide an overview of options and resources to the victim and will investigate and respond to allegations of sexual harassment, including sexual violence. If a complaint is filed in the AA Office, it will be processed according to the Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure.

    SUNY Oneonta University Police Department

  3. Reporting Anonymously

    Any student who is a victim or witness of a crime may file a confidential and anonymous crime report online via the Silent Witness Program. All information received this way will be reviewed and investigated.

    Victim Bill of Rights

    SUNY Oneonta Sexual Violence Response Policy


Office of Health Education
#125 Counseling, Health & Wellness Center
Phone: (607) 436-3540

Rebecca Harrington
Health Educator

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