Training Information

Want to Register for a Safe Space Training?

For Safe Space 101, there are monthly sessions available for students and campus employees. Special Topics Workshops are available once a semester and are open to those that have completed 101 training.

For all dates and times and to RSVP, please go to Campus Connection and search for Safe Space.
Space is limited so plan ahead!

Learning Outcomes of Safe Space 101:

By the end of the Safe Space 101 Training, participants will be able to:

  1. Differentiate between and define concepts of gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression, and biological sex.
  2. Describe at least 2 allyship skills for engaging with people who have minoritized gender and sexual identities.
  3. Name at least 2 on-campus resources for students around gender and sexual identity development.
  4. Define the concept of intersectionality.
  5. Recall at least 3 historical facts describing Western perspectives on same-sex sexuality and gender identity.
  6. Describe how contemporary social norms have stigmatized certain expressions of gender and sexuality and at least one negative effect on students.

Safe Space Special Topics Workshops:

Each semester, there will be supplemental workshops available that focus on different LGBTQIA+ experiences. These compliment the 101-level training session, as these are topics that build on what is covered in the initial session. Currently, the workshops cover the following areas:

  • LGBTQIA+ Sex, Dating, & Relationships
  • Intersectionality within the LGBTQIA+ Community
  • Transgender & Non-binary Experiences
  • A Deeper Dive into Allyship

These 90-minute workshops will provide participants with knowledge around these areas, resources for support and continuing education, and will help in further development of allyship skills.

Safe Space Facilitators for 2022-2023:

  • Emily Phelps
  • bill Harcleroad
  • Christine Edwards
  • Chelsea McCracken
  • Lester Lamoree
  • Deb Bruce
  • Emily Riddle
  • Justin Hartnett
  • Alissa Walls
  • Owen Conklin
  • George Archundia
  • Suzanne Black
  • Rachel Kornhauser

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among LGBTQ+ individuals between the ages of 10 to 24.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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