Chosen Personal Information Process

Who is Eligible?

The SUNY Oneonta Chosen Personal Information Process allows students and employees to officially notify the college of their chosen first names, chosen gender identity, and pronouns. This information will be used in several communication systems across the college, however, there are limits to where this information can be used.

This practice is consistent with current guidance from SUNY System, state laws including GENDA, and our college’s discrimination policy, which protects students against discrimination based on gender identity and expression. It is currently recognized as a best practice for supporting transgender and gender non-conforming members of college communities.

This process is different than the legal name change process within New York State. If you are looking for state-based legal ID change policies, please go here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the Preferred First Name Process are answered below. The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center and Office of Equity and Inclusion would happily address other questions about it.

What is a chosen first name?

A chosen first name is one that you choose to be called that is different from your legal/primary first name.

What are pronouns?

In the English language, pronouns are a means for us to address each other. Typically, there is a gender implied; for example, using “she” to imply someone is a girl or woman. This is not always accurate, so it is important to respect any and all pronouns an individual may use in referring to themself.

What is the purpose of SUNY Oneonta’s Chosen Personal Information Process?

SUNY Oneonta recognizes that some community members wish to use names, gender markers, and/or pronouns other than what is included in legal documentation to identify themselves in daily use. SUNY Oneonta permits use of chosen personal details as long as the use is not for the purpose of misrepresentation. The college extends this accommodation in order to help foster a more welcoming, supportive and respectful campus climate for all of its students and employees.

How do I request that the college use my chosen personal information?

Students wishing to add a chosen first name, chosen gender marker, and/or pronouns or change existing information must complete and submit a Chosen Personal Information Request form to the Registrar’s office. You will also need to provide your campus ID in person.

Current employees wishing to use preferred names must complete and submit a Chosen Personal Information Request form, along with a photo ID in person to the Office of Human Resources, located in Netzer Administration Building room 208.

Where will the college use chosen first names?

Students’ chosen first names will appear on class rosters, grade rosters, advisee listings, myOneonta, ID cards, email display, and Blackboard. Students’ chosen first names also may appear in college promotional materials, news releases and related systems. Students’ legal/primary names will remain unchanged in all other college-related systems.

Employees’ chosen first names will be listed on their email, ID cards, and in the directory. Employees’ chosen first names also may appear in college promotional materials, news releases and related systems. Employees’ legal/primary first names will appear on all other college records and documents (including employment records). New employees will be offered the opportunity to provide a chosen name upon hire.

Where will the college continue to use my legal first name?

The college will use students’ legal first names on official transcripts, enrollment verifications, and in most third-party database systems. The college will use employees’ legal first names with all documentation associated with official employment records.

Is choosing a chosen first name the same as legally changing my name?

No. However, the college encourages students who have changed their legal name to update their college record to reflect that change by completing a Change of Personal Information form (paper copies are available at the Registrar’s Office) and submitting it along with required documentation to the Registrar’s Office.

Employees that have changed their legal name will need to contact Human Resources to update their records. If Employees have questions about the legal name change process, they can contact Human Resources for instructions.

Where will the college use my chosen gender identity marker?

The college may use this information within housing accommodation software.

Where will the college use my pronouns?

Pronouns will be included in residential life records and campus ID cards, with the plan for class rosters to be included once available.

Who can change my chosen personal information?

Only you as a SUNY Oneonta community member can choose or change your own chosen personal information. You cannot choose or change anyone else’s chosen personal information.

Can I choose any first name, gender identity marker, or set of pronouns?

Yes. However, the college reserves the right to reject or remove information it deems inappropriate.

Can I change the name, gender identity marker, or pronouns I’ve chosen?

Yes. Simply complete and submit another Chosen Personal Information Request form reflecting the change.

Can SUNY Oneonta employees who use lists of students/employees for external communications use chosen names and/or pronouns instead of legal names/pronouns?

Upon request, ITS may be able to provide chosen names and pronouns to employees who use lists of students/employees, depending on how the information is to be shared. Legal information will otherwise continue to be used as the default.

How long does it take the college to begin using my chosen personal information once the form is submitted?

The college typically will begin using the updated information within two business days following the appropriate office’s receipt of a Chosen Personal Information Request form.

What is an email display name?

There are three separate components to Oneonta email addresses: username, display name, and email aliases.

Email display name and email alias example

How will my name look for Commencement?

Graduates will have the opportunity to provide their chosen first name in their diploma application. Graduates can indicate what name they would like printed on their diploma; this information will be what is also printed in the ceremony program booklet. On the day of the ceremony, cards will be provided for graduates to fill in what name they would like read aloud.

What will the ID card look like with my chosen first name and pronouns?

Below is an image of the template for the ID card. Chosen first names will be located on the front of the ID card while your legal name will be located on the back of the ID card, at the bottom left corner of the card. Pronouns will be located at the bottom of the card on the front, underneath the 5081 number. There is a $20 replacement fee for new ID cards. This fee would be waived if the chosen first name change reflects an individual’s gender identity.

ID Card Template
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