Student Travel for Excellence Program

Through the Student Travel for Excellence Program (STEP), SUNY Oneonta makes available a limited pool of funds to help defray students’ travel expenses to attend co-curricular or academic conferences and meetings. The application processes for these two types of travel are separate and students should use the process that is appropriate for the type of conference or meeting they are attending. Although more than one student may be attending an event, each student applies for funds as an individual. Group applications will not be accepted.

Academic STEP funds are used for students who are attending a conference or meeting that represents an academic field of study. This includes conferences in which research is presented and in which there are networking events for those in an academic field.

Co-curricular STEP funds are used for students who are attending conferences, meetings, or events that represent opportunities for students to gain skills/information that are not related to an academic field but to the student’s development as an individual. Examples include leadership development; participation in Greek organizations; working in Residential Community Life; networking for GLBTQQAI communities. Students who are in organizations that are funded by the Student Association and whose travel is directly connected to the organization should apply for travel funds through the SA organization, not STEP.

For guidelines and application procedures, please follow the link for the relevant program:

Academic STEP Co-curricular STEP

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