Co-Curricular STEP

Student Travel for Excellence Program

Program Purpose:

To provide funding for SUNY Oneonta students to attend co-curricular conferences, programs and activities. This funding is meant for students whose activities do not qualify for funding through SA-recognized student organizations, athletic competitions, and other funding sources.


All SUNY Oneonta students, undergraduate, and graduate, are eligible to apply for these funds. To be eligible for funding, students must be in good academic and judicial standing at the time of application and at the time of travel. They must be enrolled at the SUNY Oneonta at the time of application and at the time of travel (or enrolled for the following fall semester in the case of summer travel).

Eligible Activities:

These funds are meant to assist students whose attendance at a program or conference is not part of their participation in a student organization and therefore not eligible for funding through the organization or SA travel funds. Funds may pay for students’ travel costs such as transportation, food, lodging, and conference registration fees. Funds will be limited by state regulations for travel (e.g., daily limit for meals and lodging). Students may use state cars for travel but will not be reimbursed for using their own cars. Students who receive funding must be accompanied to the event by a SUNY Oneonta faculty or staff member.

Amount of Grant:

There is no maximum or minimum grant, but funds are limited. A student’s proposal for funding may be partially or entirely funded.

Payment if a Grant Is Awarded:

Payment will be made directly by SUNY Oneonta when possible (e.g., conference registration fees, airfare). Students must provide original receipts for reimbursement of other expenditures. If a student receives a cash advance that exceeds the costs of travel, the student must repay the excess amount.

Review Process:

  • Applications for travel funds must include the following –
  • An application form completed by the student.
  • A brochure and schedule for the conference, event, or program for which the student requests funding.
  • A statement of support submitted by a faculty or staff member who will travel with the student.
  • A signed copy of the “Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims” form.

The student application form and “Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims” form can be downloaded through the links below. Hard copies of all completed forms should be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs, 119 Netzer.

Deadline for Proposal Submission:

The review committee will meet monthly on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the academic year. In order to be reviewed, applications must be complete and submitted to the Office of Student Affairs by 4 p.m. on the Tuesday before the committee meeting. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.


Students who have questions about the status of their applications, reimbursement, or travel arrangements may contact the Office of Student Affairs, (607) 436-2513.

Application Form:

The student application form and “Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims” form can be downloaded through the links below. Hard copies of all completed forms should be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs, 119 Netzer.

Application Form (PDF Format)

Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims Form:

To be eligible for STEP funding, students must complete the SUNY "Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims Form," which is available in html or MS Word format through the links below:

Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims Form (PDF Format)

In consideration of the financial and academic support being provided to me by SUNY Oneonta (“the College”), I agree, on behalf of myself, my family, heirs, and personal representatives, to assume all the risks and responsibilities of my travel to and attendance at ______________________________. I have been fully and completely apprised of the actual and potential risks inherent in this activity. These include the risk of property damage or loss, personal injury or death. By signing below, I am asserting that I am knowingly and voluntarily assuming such risks.

Furthermore, I do hereby acknowledge complete responsibility for all doctor, hospital, dental, first aid and other medical expenses. I have been informed that the College will provide financial support for _________________[list items/amount], and I hereby acknowledge complete responsibility for any other transportation, room and board and personal expenses which I may incur while traveling to and participating in _____________.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, I release and indemnify the State of New York, the State University of New York, the College, and their officers, employees, agents and volunteers, from and against any present or future claim, loss or liability for injury to person or property which I may suffer, or for which I may be liable to any other person, during or as a result of my participation in __________________, including periods of travel. In signing this Assumption of Risk and Release, I acknowledge and represent that I have read the foregoing, understand it, and sign it voluntarily, that no oral representations, statements or inducements, apart from this written agreement, have been made, that I am at least 18 years of age and fully competent (or if not, my parent or guardian is also signing), and I am executing this Assumption of Risk and Release for full, adequate and complete consideration, fully intending to be bound by the same.


Name of Student:

Signature Dated:

Parent/Guardian if Student under 18:


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