Know Violence

Rebecca Harrington, Chair of the know violence committeee wearing a know violence shirt


If you or a friend need help right now, call the Violence Intervention Programs 24/7 Hotline at 607-432-4855.

A hotline worker will guide you through your choices which include: seeking medical attention, reporting the crime, and finding a safe place to spend the night. The hotline worker is also a trained rape crisis and relationship violence counselor who can help you through this time. They will believe your story, they will listen if you just need someone to talk to.

Social Media resources for Shirt Day.

The know violence committee envisions a world where individuals and communities are empowered to create a non-violent reality of equality and engage in healthy relationships where survivors are supported, perpetrators are held accountable, and bystanders confidently intervene.

The mission of know violence is to prevent interpersonal violence and shift community norms for the SUNY Oneonta campus community by implementing evidence-based education and outreach strategies for violence prevention and connecting community members to additional resources.

Interested in Becoming A Certified Rape Crisis Counselor?

The Opportunities for Otsego Violence Intervention Program offers the 40 hour training to become a NYS Department of Health Certified Rape Crisis Counselor twice a year.

Call Nicole Murdocca, Violence Intervention Program Community Educator at 607-433-8031

Who is know violence?

The know violence committee provides programming and education to the campus community regarding the issues of sexual assault and relationship violence. The Committee is made up of faculty, staff, and students and meets once a month.

If you are interested in joining the know violence committee please contact Rebecca Harrington. Email, call (607-432-3540) or stop by room 110 in the CHW Center

But I'm a Guy

A common myth in our society is that men cannot be the victims of sexual assault or relationship violence. This is not true, men are victims too. All of the services on and off campus are available to men too.


Office of Health Education
#125 Counseling, Health & Wellness Center
Phone: (607) 436-3540

Rebecca Harrington
Health Educator

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