Selection of Service-Learning References

Astin, A.W., Vogelgesang, L.J., Ikeda, E.K., Yee, J.A. (2000). How service learning affects students. Los Angeles: University of California, Higher Education Research Institute.

Barron, B.J.S, Schwartz, D.L., Vye, N.J., Moore, A, Petrosino, A., Zech, L., Bransford, J.D. and the Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1998). Doing with Understanding: Lesson from Research on Problem- and Project-based Learning. The Journal of Learning Sciences. 7(3&4), 271-311.

Batchelder, T.H., and Root, S. (1994). Effects of an undergraduate program to integrate academic learning and service: Cognitive, prosocial cognitive, and identity outcomes. Journal of Adolescence, 17, 341-356.

Bhaerman, Robert et al. (1998). What are the purported benefits and results of service-learning, In The Role of Service-learning in Educational Reform. NC: Simon and Schuster Custom Publishing, pp. 37-49.

Braxton, J., Milem, J. and Sullivan, A. (2000). The Influence of Active Learning on the College Student Departure Process. Journal of Higher Education, 71(5), 569-590.

Bringle, R.G., Hatcher, J.A., & Muthiah, R.N (2002, March). Service learning and retention in the first year. Paper presented at the American Association of Higher Education National Conference, Chicago, IL.

Berson, J.S. and Younkin, W.F. (1998). Doing Well by Doing Good: A Study of the Effects of a Service-Learning Experience on Student Success. Paper Presented at the American Society for Higher Education, Miami, FL.

Campus Compact (2000). Highlights and Trends in Student Service and Service-learning: Statistics from 1999 member and faculty surveys. Providence, RI.

Cleary, Cindy and Delwin Benson (1998). The Service Integration Project: Institutionalizing University Service-learning. The Journal of Experiential Education, 21(3), pp. 124-129.

Cruz, N.I. & Giles, D.E. (2000). Where’s the Community In Service-Learning Research. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Fall, pp. 28-34.

Eyler, Janet 2002 “Reflection: Linking Service and Learning - Linking Students and Community.” Journal of Social Issues, 58(3): 517-534.

Eyler, J & Giles, D.E.Jr. (2002) Beyond surveys: Using problem solving interviews to assess the impact of service-learning on understanding and critical thinking. In Billig, S. & Furco, A. Service-Learning: The essence of the pedagogy. Information Age Publishing, CT. 147-160.

Eyler, J. & Giles, D.E. (1999). Where's the learning in service-learning? San Francisco:Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Gallini, Sarah and Barbara Moely (2003). Service-Learning and Engagement, Academic Challenge, and Retention. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Fall, pp. 5-14.

Gray, M, Ondaatje, E., Fricker, R & Geschwind, S. (2000). Assessing Service-Learning: The Benefits of Service-Learning for Students. Change, 3e2(2), pp. 30-41.

Hammond, C. (1994). Integrating Service and Academic Study: Faculty Motivation and Satisfaction in Michigan Higher Education. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 1(1), pp. 21-28.

Hatcher, J.A. and Bringle, R.G. (1997). Reflection: Bridging the Gap Between Service and Learning. College Teaching 45(4), pp. 153-158.

Hondagneu-Sotelo, P and Raskoff, S. (1994). Community-Service Learning: Promises and Problems. Teaching Sociology, 22, 248- 254.

Kendricks, J.R. (1996). Outcomes of service-learning in an introductory sociology course. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 2, pp. 72-81.

McKenna, Maria W. and Rizzo, Elaine. (1999). Outside the classroom: Student perceptions of the benefits of service learning. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 18, 111-123.

Mundy, M.E. (2003). Faculty Engagement in Service-Learning: Individual and Organizational Factors at Distinct Institutional Types. Unpublished Dissertation, Vanderbilt University.

Rhoads, Richard 2003 How Civic Engagement Is Reframing Liberal Education. Peer Review, 5(3), pp. 25-27.

Roldan, Malu, Amy Strage, and Debra David (2004). “A Framework for Assessing Academic Service-Learning Across Disciplines” In New Perspectives in Service Learning: Research to Advance the Field.

Singham, Mano (2005). The Achievement Gap in US Education: Canaries in the Mine, Rowman and Littlefield Education.

Steinke, Pamela and Stacey Buresh (2002). Cognitive Outcomes of Service-Learning: Reviewing the Past and Glimpsing the Future. In Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, V. 8, No. 2, pp. 5-14.

Strange, A.A. (2000). Service-learning: Enhancing student outcomes in a college-level lecture course. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 7, 5-13.

Takahashi, J. (1999). Minority Student Retention and Academic Achievement. NSEE Quarterly, Summer, pp. 15-19.

Warchal, Judith and Ana Ruiz (2004). “The Long-term Effects of Undergraduate Service-Learning Programs on Post-Graduate Employment Choices, Community Engagement, and Civic Leadership” In New Perspectives in Service Learning: Research to Advance the Field.

Welch, Marshall and Shelley Billig (2004). New Perspectives in Service-Learning: Research to Advance the Field. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, pp. 250.

Wells, Gordon (2001). Action, Talk And Text: Learning And Teaching Through Inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Williams, D., Youngflesh, A. & Bagg, B. (1997) Enhancing Academic Understanding. through Service-Learning: Listening to Students’ Voices. Expanding Boundaries: Building Civic Responsibility in Higher Education. Washington, DC: The Corporation for National Service.

Service-Learning Organizations

Campus Compact:

NYS Campus Compact:

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse:

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