Social Media Resources

It takes just a few minutes to use your social media in a socially conscious way.

6 Ideas of What to Post:

  1. Facts and Statistics
  2. Retweet and share
  3. Post hotline numbers
  4. Share something you learned
  5. Post a selfie in your know violence shirt
  6. Check out the know violence site and post links to resources found there.

Here's are some easy copy and paste facts:

Sample Tweets-

  • Know that educating yourself is the first step in ending violence. For more information visit the Know Violence homepage.
  • Have a friend who's a victim of abuse? The most important thing you can do is believe them & help them access support from a trained professional.

Relationship Violence-

  • Relationship violence can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, race, religion,etc #knowviolenceoneonta
  • Relationship violence is a pattern of violent behavior. This violent behavior or abuse can take many forms.
  • Relationship violence is experienced through physical, verbal, sexual, and/or emotional abuse, rejecting, isolating, & degrading #knowviolenceoneonta

Sexual Violence-

  • Sexual violence is any form of unwanted, unwelcome, non-consensual* or coercive* sexual contact. For more information visit the Know Violence homepage.
  • Sexual harassment can be a warning sign for sexual violence. Do not ignore the signs. #knowviolenceoneonta
  • Sexual harassment isn't something we just have to "deal with". Learn your rights and about warning signs at
  • Did you know over 80% of rapes are committed by people the victim knows? #knowviolenceoneonta
  • Women aren't the only people to experience sexual harassment. One of every 25 college men have experienced unwanted sexual activity.


  • What is stalking? A series of actions that make you feel afraid or in danger. #knowviolence
  • Stalking can be a very serious manner. If you feel you may be in danger please visit the stalking resource center.
  • Did you know 7.5 million people are stalked in one year in the United States? #knowviolenceoneonta


  • Coercion is used in many abusive situations to pressure someone into an uncomfortable situation. #knowviolenceoneonta
  • Coercion can be used in sexual violence pressuring someone to do something they are not consenting too. #CoercionIsNotConsent
  • Examples of coercion include: “If you really loved me, you’d have sex with me.” & “I didn’t think you were such a prude."

Team Pink (Harassment)

Team Orange (Coercion)

Team Yellow (Stalking)

Team Green (Interpersonal Violence)

Team Blue (Consent/Sexual Assault)

Team Indigo (Unhealthy Relationships, the qualities of)

Team Violet (Unhealthy Relationships, the Cycle of Violence)

Resources for Every Team:

On Campus/Oneonta Community Resource Guide

The know violence MAP Project: a guide to on and off campus resource and support services for students who experience violence

State & National Resources

Support in languages other than English online or by calling 1-800-942-6906
Pandora’s Project Support and resources for LGBT survivors of rape and sexual abuse.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network Learn more about crimes of sexual violence, national hotline, online (chat) hotline, links to international resources. Obtenga ayuda online

Twitter Length Posts

  • Every April, the SUNY Oneonta community wears the know violence shirts to demonstrate our on-going campus commitment to providing education about the issues of violence and support to those who have been affected by violence.
  • The goal of our #ihearyou campaign is to let those who identified with the #metoo movement know that their community is listening and supporting them.
  • Maybe you don’t see how you fit in with contributing to culture change, but honestly, just wearing one of our know violence shirts shows your support and is a great first step in helping others!
  • When we create a space to have conversations about all forms of interpersonal violence, we shift the environment in our community to allow survivors to feel supported and to seek the resources that they need to thrive.
  • The SUNY Oneonta know violence committee is committed to setting the bar high. We have the most amazing community of caring people right here! Make sure to send us pictures of you and your friends in your know violence shirts!

Twitter Size Art:

i hear you twitter post
i hear you twitter post

Instagram Size Art:

i hear you instagram post
i hear you instagram post
i hear you instagram post

Team Pink (Harassment)

Things you can post on Twitter:

  • #teampink sexual harassment is on the spectrum of sexual violence. This happens on college campuses through actions such as: whistling at someone and making comments like “hey baby.”
team pink twitter post

Things you can post on Instagram:

team pink instagram post
team pink instagram post

Team Orange (Coercion)

Things you can post on Twitter:

  • #kvteamorange This shirt is all about coercion. Coercion ≠ consent. Coercion is a tactic used to intimidate, trick or force someone into engaging in a sexual act without the use of physical force. Coercion may fall under 1 out of 4 categories: AOD, emotional, verbal, or social.
team orange twitter post

Things you can post on Instagram:

team orange instagram post
team orange instagram post
team orange instagram post
team orange instagram post

Team Yellow (Stalking)

Things you can post on Twitter:

  • #teamyellow Stalking is a series of actions that make you feel afraid or in danger. These actions are often violent and can escalate over time. #teamyellow also covers cyberstalking which is the use of social media to stalk someone.
team yellow twitter post

Things you can post on Instagram:

team yellow instagram post
team yellow instagram post
team yellow instagram post

Team Green (Interpersonal Violence)

Things you can post on Twitter:

  • #kvteamgreen is centered around interpersonal violence (IPV) as a whole. This can be defined as bullying, harassment, stalking, etc. It is important to talk about IPV because many of the actions that are associated with IPV are rationalized and normalized in our society.
team green twitter post

Things you can post on Instagram:

team green instagram post

Team Blue (Consent/Sexual Assault)

Things you can post on Twitter:

  • #kvteamblue This team covers sexual assault and affirmative consent. It is important to talk about these because many behaviors have been brushed aside and socially accepted, however these behaviors are harmful to the people experiencing them.
team blue twitter post

Things you can post on Instagram:

team blue instagram post

Team Indigo (Unhealthy Relationships, the qualities of)

Things you can post on Twitter:

  • #teamindigo is all about increasing knowledge of relationship violence. Perpetrators of relationship violence can use emotional, physical, verbal and/or sexually violent acts against their significant other.
  • #teamindigo the behaviors that correspond with relationship violence are tactics of control and manipulations of their partner that most of the time go unnoticed by the victim and their friends.
team indigo twitter post

Things you can post on Instagram:

team indigo instagram post

Team Violet (Unhealthy Relationships, the Cycle of Violence)

Things you can post on Twitter:

  • #kvteamviolet talks about the cycle of violence (COV). The COV is not just a fight every once in a while, it is a pattern of violent behaviors in an unhealthy relationship. The pattern includes tension building, violent outbursts, and forgiveness.
team violet twitter post

Things you can post on Instagram:

team violet instagram post


Office of Health Education
#125 Counseling, Health & Wellness Center
Phone: (607) 436-3540

Rebecca Harrington
Health Educator

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