Professional Development Seminars

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Year Long Open Institute 2022/23: Deep Mapping and Place-Based Pedagogy

Summer Sessions: July 26th-28th & August 2nd-4th | 9 am-2:00 pm | SUNY Oneonta-College Camp

For these sessions, we will be returning to the meaningful places in our lives while participating in learning about place-based pedagogy and place-base projects: story and deep maps, geocaching, place-based writing and inquiry. In addition to these six sessions, we will host two book club events at the end of each Thursday session. The first book club will be on Touching Spirit Bear and the second will be on Dragon Hoops. For each day, we plan on doing one professional development session and a free-writing planning session to help plan place-based projects and teacher inquiry projects appropriate for content and grade-level. Teachers will have the opportunity to implement these project with their students for the upcoming year. We will host fall and spring sessions (TBD) to assist teachers in action-based and teacher-inquiry research into their own place-based classroom projects. We hope to hold a Saturday seminar where participants will have opportunity to lead workshops for other pre-service and in-service educators in our area in May of 23. Feel free to sign up for individual sessions, some, or even all the sessions. Professional development materials and books will be given to institute participants.

July 26th

Welcome & Introduction to Writing Project

Geo-Autobiographies and Connecting with Others Across Culture and Place Session led by Maria Montoya (SUNY Oneonta)

Participants in this workshop will learn how to develop, write, and use geo-autobiographies to help students connect with others across cultures and geographic places.

July 27th

Welcome & Ethnographer report

Photo journaling Session led by Linda Coryat (Unatego High School)

Participants of this session will take photographs to inspire writing, and collaborate on how this practice can be implemented across disciplines and grade levels. Students are constantly snapping photos of themselves and their experiences to share through various social media; photo-journaling has the power to harness students’ interest in sharing their worlds and perspectives.

July 28th

Welcome & Ethnographer report:

Story Mapping Session led by Suriati Abas (SUNY Oneonta)

This hands-on workshop provides participants with the opportunity to engage in story mapping. You will be introduced to an art map that allows you to express yourself creatively using ArcGIS StoryMaps, which offers innovative ways to create interdisciplinary content.

Afternoon Book Club: Touching Spirit Bear

August 2nd

Welcome & Ethnographer report:

Geocaching, Place Writing, and Inquiry Session led by Thor Gibbins (SUNY Oneonta)

Participants will participate in writing in the woods activity using principles of geocaching, sustainability, and inquiry. Participants will learn how to create interactive geocaches to inspire students to write about their lived places as sites for inquiry and research.

August 3rd

Welcome & Ethnographer report:

Writing and Place Quilting Session led by Gina Solano (SUNY Oneonta)

In this session, participants will learn how to connect the art of quilting and pattern making with places and cultures.

August 4th

Welcome & Ethnographer report:

Session led by Clara Barnhart (SUNY Binghamton)

Join us to hear Clara Barnhart, local poet from Unadilla, discuss her place-based book of poetry Susie Susquehanna & The River Valley Blues. The session will be followed by an open author’s chair and BBQ. Participants who attend all 6 summer seminars will receive a copy of Barnhart's book.

Afternoon Book Club: Dragon Hoops

Register Here

For more information or to RSVP, email
Take care and be well.
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