Additional Service Information

E-mail the Telecommunications Office at with the information requested below. You may call the Telecommunications Office at extension (607) 436-2577 if you need further assistance.

We will need to know the following:

  • What service you desire.
  • Who the new service will be assigned to.
  • Where will the new service be installed (Building - Room - Port).
  • What account will the new service be charged to.
  • Contact name and phone number.

Phone / Fax Service Problems for office staff

Call the Telecommunications Office at extension x2577 (off-campus: 607-436-2577) or e-mail your request to

We will need to know:

  • The nature of the problem
  • The name of the person the phone is assigned to.
  • Location (building/room) of the phone / fax.
  • Port number the phone/fax is plugged into.
  • Contact name and alternative phone number / email / cell number

This section is for occupants of the Cooperstown Campus (CGP & BFS).

ShoreTel was recently acquired by Mitel and they are working through rebranding their products.

Welcome to ShoreTel! We hope you like your new phone. Basic call functions have not changed but there are some new things you should know.

The red light on your phone indicates that you have unheard voice messages. You can use the "voicemail" button on your phone and follow the on-screen prompts to log in to your mailbox and play, save and delete messages. If you prefer to dial into your voice mailbox, the number is 102. To record your greeting, dial voicemail and press 7 ("mailbox options") and then 1 ("record a personal greeting").

If all of the orange lights on your phone are lit, it means your phone is in "Out of Office" or "In a Meeting" state and your calls are being forwarded to voicemail. You can return your phone to "Available" state by pressing the "state" button on your display and selecting "Available."

You can install ShoreTel/Mitel Connect (or contact the IT Service Desk to request installation) on your computer to manage your phone and voicemail.

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