Teaching Breakfast

The Teaching Breakfast/Coffee Chat is an informal gathering to talk about issues of teaching and learning. We have expanded the Teaching Breakfast by meeting weekly and creating two opportunities to join in the conversation: alternating between Teaching Breakfast on Thursday mornings and Coffee Chat on Wednesday afternoons. We meet both in person and virtually, so if you feel comfortable participating in person, come on down; if you would rather meet via Teams, hop on your computer! These spaces will are a place to come together to talk about new modalities you might be using to teach and hopefully share and get a few answers.

There is no need to sign-up for this, just show up when you are able. If you would like reminders for these dates, you can sign up at Faculty Opportunities on Campus Connection. While we start the conversation right away, you can always come later to join in.

  • Teaching Breakfast meets Thursday mornings from 8:30-10:00am in the space outside of Starbucks in the Hunt Union. You can grab something from Starbucks or bring your breakfast and come chat with other faculty about issues in your classroom.
  • Coffee Chat meetings Wednesday afternoons from 2:00-3:00pm in the Faculty Lounge on the first floor in Fitzelle Hall.


We facilitate a listserv: tb-l@listserv.oneonta.edu which you may request subscription to by sending the following: subscribe tb-l in the body of an email from your Oneonta email account to listserv@listserv.oneonta.edu

Subscribers may view the archives of the list by following this link and logging into our listserv portal. Note: You must create a password to use this system since it is not connected to your Oneonta user account. When creating a password, please use your firstname.lastname email address.

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