Student Research & Creative Activity Showcase

The annual SRCA Showcase of student research and creative work provides the opportunity for students to take part in supportive, academic conference-style presentation sessions and for the campus and community to learn about our students’ research projects and scholarly/creative work.

Student Research & Creative Activity (SRCA) Showcases



April 26 (Wednesday, 1-5pm) and April 27 (Thursday, 9am-1pm)

2022 Alumni Weekend SRCA Display:
Link here for listing and abstracts of posters on display

Link here for SRCA presentation abstracts from the April 2022 showcase


Kewulay Kamara '75
"Back to the Future: Storytelling in the Era of Communication and Information Technology"
(see description below)

Thursday, April 14, noon - 1 pm, Otsego Grille
Reservations are required - RSVP here



Click here for projects/presentations listed by sessions below

In-person Presentation Sessions:
Thursday, April 14 from 1-3 pm
Friday, April 15 from 11 am-1 pm
Craven Lounge, Morris Conference Center

Virtual Presentation Sessions:
Thursday, April 14 4-5 pm
Friday, April 15 from 9-10am
Click here to view presentations and to attend virtual presentation sessions


Kewulay Kamara '75
"Back to the Future: Storytelling in the Era of Communication and Information Technology"

Sustainability is really about the future, not the present or the past. To Foresight/Future/Discipline of Anticipation communities, I am a foresight storyteller who brings his tradition of storytelling to sustainability research and practice. This approach is salient in our era of communication and information technology because it emphasizes the transformative quality of storytelling, which is an ancient perspective. My address will take my audience on a sweeping journey from a hamlet in Sierra Leone to SUNY Oneonta and the trajectory that led me to my current practice in art, education and social sustainability.

Kewulay Kamara photo

The 2022 SRCA Keynote Speaker is Kewulay Kamara ‘75, poet, multi-media storyteller and lecturer with wide experience in culture, government, academia and media, earned a BA in Political Science and Literature at the State University of New York at Oneonta, an MA in Political Economy as well as an ABD in Economic Planning in the graduate faculty of the New School for Social Research, and an MFA in Performance and Integrated Media Arts at Brooklyn College. Mr. Kamara lectured for 25 years at the City University of New York.

Kamara currently serves on UNESCOs Steering Committee on Foresight and has published in The Journal of Future Studies. His research report, “Imagining the Future of the Transition from Youth’ to ‘Adult’ in Sierra Leone,” contributed to the book Transforming the Future: Anticipation in the 21st Century (Routledge, 2019). Mr. Kamara’s documentary film, In Search of of Finah Misa Kule: The Story of a People Who Live by the Word, explores the value of storytelling in northern Sierra Leone.

Kewulay was an Apex International Fellow (2018) and is currently Future Literacy scholar at the University of Makeni, Sierra Leone. He is founder/director of Badenya Inc., an African arts-presenting organization that established Dankawalie Secondary School, and is founder of Lasiray Energy and Communications currently engaged in electrification of the Koinadugu/Falaba districts.


The 2021 SRCA 'live' virtual kick-off event on April 15th featured a keynote address by alumnus Jared Reynolds '12, a scrolling presentation of student artwork, select student performances and an introduction to the SUNY Oneonta iGEM student team. Student presentation sessions held over two days spotlighted 60 diverse presentations of student research and creative activity projects.

Click to view student presentations, organized by three sessions held on April 15th and 16th.

Click for a listing of presentations by session.

Click for a listing of SRCA projects including abstracts.


Link here for a Calendar of EL Week Events

Past SRCA Programs


2021 Summer Fellowship Program Showcase

2021 (link here to view presentations)

2020, 2019, 2018-SURC,

2017, 2016, 2015, 2014,

2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,

2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005

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