
Any party seeking to survey Oneonta populations (faculty, staff, students, parents of students, alumni, etc.) should review the survey policy, calendar, and procedure, in order to facilitate an effective and efficient approach to survey administration.

To learn more about the survey policy and procedure, please refer to the survey policy and procedure links.
To learn more about the survey calendar, please refer to the excel survey calendar link or Outlook Calendar.

If you would like to conduct a survey:

  • Please use Qualtrics, the survey campus tool.
    • If you are unfamiliar with Qualtrics, please refer to the step-by-step guides and other resources available on the Qualtrics section of the OIR webpage.
    • Students need to collaborate with faculty or staff in order to develop and distribute a survey to the larger campus community.
  • Please submit a survey request ticket to inform OIR of the survey title and survey dates (open and close) - this information will be added to the survey calendar (links above).
    • If you need a contact list for your survey distribution, please indicate this in the ticket and specify the criteria (undergraduate students, staff, etc.) of those to be included on the contact list.
  • After reviewing the available Qualtrics resources and submitting a survey ticket, you may schedule a tutorial session with an OIR staff member. by emailing, to receive additional support in relation to survey development and/or Qualtrics use.
  • If conducting an alumni survey please be aware of these resources and policies


Office of Institutional Research
336 Netzer Administration Bldg.
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820-4015
Phone: (607) 436-2844
Fax: (607) 436-2843

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